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Mar 5, 2025      

Daily News - March 5, 2025


Wednesday, March 5, 2025


NEW – March Monochrome

Our next school wide them day is MARCH MONOCHROME!  Friday March 7, wear all one coour to show some school spirit.


NEW - Post-Secondary Engineering Showcase

For students interested in Engineering, UVic and Camosun are hosting an Engineering Showcase on Friday, April 4th from 1-5. This showcase is an opportunity for post-secondary students to highlight their Capstone projects. If you're interested in going, please attend a meeting at lunch in the Career Center on Tuesday, March 11th. Space will be limited. 

Spartan Wear

SPARTAN WEAR is on sale now.  You can get your order form from Mrs. Waller in the Accounting office. Orders and payments are due at the accounting office by Friday, March 7th.  Products will be at school after Spring Break

Parent Volunteers/Drivers

Reminder that all volunteers for School District 63 are required to complete a Criminal Record Check every three years. Sports and trips will start up quickly, so we encourage parents to be proactive and do this NOW, if you might be interested in driving; the process can take a few weeks at rush time.  The LINK to information can be found on the Claremont Secondary home pageunder the Parents tab, Volunteer Information.

If a Student is Absent or Late

Parents are asked to please email your student’s teacher AND the Attendance Line if your student will be absent or late for class. The Link for the Claremont Attendance Line is always quick to find on the Quick Links on the Claremont website’s home page:  or by phone by calling our main phone line at 250-658-5221 and selecting Option 1 for Attendance.


No news today.


No news today.


NEW - Board Game Club 

Come out to the Board Game Club every Wednesday at lunch in room 324. Come alone or come with friends.  We have snacks!


No news today.


¬ GRAD 2025


For the latest information on scholarship opportunities, check the weekly scholarships e-newsletter ( and follow @claremontscholarships on Instagram.  Instagram posts can also be found on the Claremont website (scholarships page).


See 2 current Grad Fundraising Opportunities listed in the Fundraising Section below. Deadlines are coming up.



No news today.



NEW – Meat Draw - Deadline is Monday March 10th at 11:59 pm

Are you a Meat Lover?

Do you enjoy savoring different types of meats?  If so, we’ve got an opportunity for you!  You could be the lucky winner of $500 worth of assorted meats!

Tickets are purchased online by clicking on the QR code.

5 Ticket pack for $10

The meat draw url is:

NEW – Purdy’s Chocolatier

Calling ALL chocolate-lovers!

We’re teaming up with Purdy’s Chocolatier to fundraise for Grad 2025 in hopes of raising money!   Stock up on your favourite Purdy’s treats (did someone say Hedgehogs?) AND support a great cause at the same time—it’s the best of both worlds. All fundraising profit raised will directly support Grad 2025 so every order makes a great difference to us.

Ordering is as easy as eating chocolate.

Just go to and the customer code for our campaign is 80118

Fill out your info you’ll need an email address, click “Join Campaign” and order to your heart’s content!  Claremont Grad 2025 


For all things CAREERS, come to the Claremont Career Centre (Rm. 217) or check out the SD63 Career Ed website: (linked HERE)!  There are lots of job and volunteer opportunities available - come check it out!

NEW Navy Day on the HMC Nanaimo - Tuesday, April 29 

Sign up to learn about life at sea in the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN). You will take a tour of the ship, see demonstrations of shipboard activities, and find out about career opportunities with RCN.

For more information and to sign up, see Mr. Bussoli in the Career Centre.

Medical School Program

Would you like to become a doctor? Find out about earning your MD on Vancouver Island!

The Island Medical Program, which delivers UBC’s Doctor of Medicine program at the University of Victoria, is hosting an information session. The event will be co-hosted by Assistant Dean of Admissions; current medical students; and the admissions coordinator. You will learn about the program, the admissions process, what it takes to become a doctor, and what it’s like being in medical school. This info session will be presented at the University of Victoria, but it will be simultaneously broadcast on Zoom for those who cannot attend in-person.

When: Friday, March 21, 2025

Time: 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.

Where: In-person at the University of Victoria (MSB 160) or on Zoom

Who: Everyone is welcome to attend, including students, guardians, teachers, and counsellors

For more info and to register for this free event, see Mrs. Watson in the Career Centre 

Volunteer Opportunity

1-2 Volunteers are needed at Cordova Bay United Church - Audio/Visual during services; & Website. You will work with the audio and visual systems during the church services. Training is provided as needed.

Time commitment: Once a week on Sundays, for 2 hours. (Volunteers can share scheduling in case they are not available every weekend). 

Volunteers are also needed to help with the church website. Students can volunteer separately for this opportunity, which would have flexible hours, as needed.

Work Experience

The DND will be in our Student Lounge, Tuesday, March 11 @ LUNCH, to talk to students about their paid Federal Student Work Experience Program (FSWEP). 

Students will be working during the summer, in unique trades that support the naval fleet.

To APPLY for this program, see Mr. Bussoli in the Career Centre.


Volunteer Opportunity

Habitat for Humanity @ ReStore!

- Both ReStore locations (Vanalman and Westshore) are looking for volunteers, 16+ only. 

- Stores are open 7 days per week, with current weekend opportunities. 

- Student volunteer shifts are 2-4 hours and we can be very flexible for the most part.   

ReStore volunteer duties can include, but are not limited to:

- Receiving and sorting donations

- Cleaning and tagging donations

- Merchandising the store floor

- Keeping the store clean and tidy

- Moving furniture and merchandise

- Assisting customers

See Mrs. Watson in the Career Centre (Room 217) or email her at, for more info.

Royal Roads University now offers Undergraduate Programs!

Programs include Studies in Social Sciences, Business & Sustainability, and Applied Environmental Sciences...

Throughout the spring season, they are hosting many Information Events and an Open House at their new campus in Colwood. 

Mar 11 | 5:30-6:30pm: Kickstart Your Undergraduate Studies in Social Sciences

Mar 12 | 5:30-6:30pm: Kickstart Your Undergrad Studies in Business & Sustainability

Mar 13 | 5:30-6:30pm: Kickstart Your Undergrad Studies in Applied Enviro Sciences

Apr 2 | 5:30-6:30pm: Your Future, Your Way: Discover RRU’s Undergraduate Programs

All of the events can be found on their Undergraduate Events page. The Open House is in-person at our Colwood campus and we are giving away two exclusive RRU Starter Packs, which include:

Apple MacBook Air 15.3” (16GB RAM) – Power up your studies with sleek performance.

RRU Swag – Stay stylish with an Oakley backpack, sweatshirt, and coffee mug.

Experience Passes – Explore and adventure with passes to Boulder House, WildPlay, and Malahat Skywalk



The WorkSafeBC 2025 Student Safety Video Contest is underway and open until April 1, 2025. The contest website, including full details, rules, and the contest entry form is at This year’s contest theme, Show up, Speak Up for Safety, asks students to create a short video that explores how young workers can go beyond just showing up at work, to speaking up when something feels unsafe.

- There are four $2,500 prizes to be shared by the students and their schools

- Entries are to be submitted by the teacher 

- Contest deadline is 5 pm, Tuesday, April 1, 2025


Again, you will need teacher support, if you're interested in this contest!


PAC Fundraiser: Country Grocer Receipts

Here is an easy way to support your PAC year-round. Save your Country Grocer receipts and bring them to the school front office.  We appreciate your participation in this fundraiser, which will benefit our school community with up to $2000 in grocery gift cards.


Peninsula Youth Clinic

The Peninsula Youth Clinic is located at 2379 Bevan Avenue in Sidney and is open every THURSDAY from 5:30-7:30pm for help with any medical concern (physical, mental, and sexual health). Call 250-656-4143 to make an appointment with a physician or counsellor.  Services are 100% free, confidential, and explicitly inclusive of all genders and sexualities!

A copy of the announcements is posted on the wall outside of the main office door.